Forces of Nature

A selection of sold original paintings on canvas by Shirley Williams

This series was created as a metaphor for the intricate network of connections we all share on this planet at conscious and unconscious levels. The paintings in this body of work reference horizons, roads and also the unseen natural networks of biology such as cellular structure and organisms that interconnect and affect us at every level of our lives.

The concept was inspired by conversations with curator James Patten of the Art Gallery of Windsor in 2009. Included here are several of the resulting paintings he curated for my solo exhibition FORCES OF NATURE 2010-2011 at the AGW.

This series of paintings was widely exhibited and collected internationally. It fills my heart with joy to know each one graces the walls of beautiful residential homes, major corporations and major collectors including Caesars International and Ethan Allen Global.

Thumbnails are not in proportion.